#silverlinings….they’re something many of us have tried to find throughout this pandemic. Our 7 PM WJC nightly gathering has been a COVID silver lining. For the past year, many of us have gathered nightly. At first, as a time to join in the community, support each other and share, and later to be together in prayer. Through all of this, the 7:00pm regulars have really gotten a chance to know each other.
Debbie Katz is a great cook and has posted many of her evening meals on Facebook. We were admiring her latest creation when Bill Natbony suggested that we put together a cookbook. Louise Cohen gave us some insight into previous cookbooks that WJC has published. Janet Arnowitz enthusiastically joined in, having done a Sisterhood cookbook many years ago at another shul. Debbie Katz decided to run with the idea and contacted Sisterhood president Glenna Lee. Glenna is never one to turn down a great idea, and that is how Love and Best Dishes – WJC Multi-Generational Cookbook became yet another silver lining of the pandemic!
You too can be part of the fun by submitting your favorite recipes or food-related artwork and photos to thewjcsisterhoodcookbook@gmail.com.
And while we are gathering the recipes and art, we’ll be keeping in touch with all of you through this blog–sharing favorite kitchen hacks, tools, memories, resources and more. Be on the lookout for tips and tricks and we hope you’ll be ready to share yours in the comments too!