Dear WJC Family,
In our most recent congregational update on the COVID-19 situation two weeks ago, we informed you that we would be closing our building and all on-premises activities for a period of at least two weeks, that is, until at least March 26.
That date is now upon us. Unfortunately, and for reasons that you will all readily understand, we are not in a position to reopen our doors at this time.
Rather than venture any predictions about when that time might be, suffice it to say that our doors will remain closed physically for an indeterminate period, but open to all of you through the many ways that our exceptional clergy and staff and our incredibly devoted lay leaders have devised to continue to meet the physical and spiritual needs of this congregation and our community at large.
We will continue to apprise you of material developments. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to us if you need anything or are aware of others in need. Make use of the Zoom and other platforms we are now making available, from morning minyan to daily evening (virtual) gatherings and much in between, not only for your own benefit but so that others can see you and be warmed by your presence. And join us all in praying for the health of our families and friends and for the success of efforts to contain and ultimately defeat this virus.
Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz
Seth Schafler, President
David Goldstein, Executive Director