WJC is excited to announce the kick-off of a strategic planning process, beginning on March 8. The Center’s last strategic plan began more than ten years ago under the guidance of then incoming president Gail Marcus and spearheaded by chairs Robin Nichinsky and Gaby Tolchinsky. It brought us innovations like our contemporary services, comfy spaces, a renewed emphasis on adult and family learning, expanded connections with ECC families, as well as new board and professional staff structures.
It is once again time to engage with this type of introspection and forward thinking. The process is expected to take a full year and will be organized to engage the entire congregation in helping with the visioning process. I am pleased to announce that Joanna Liebman and Victor Badner have agreed to chair and that Bob Leventhal of USCJ, who literally wrote the book on “Stepping Forward Together” will act as our professional liaison. The core committee also includes: Rebecca Baron, Ron Mandel, Gail Marcus, Melissa Pianko, Sandy Rosenbaum, Scott Sholder, Jacques Steinberg, Jeff Taffet, Katie Schein Waisman, Jen Zaluski, David Goldstein, Rabbi Arnowitz, Cantor Goldberg and Rabbi Dalton.
As the committee begins their work, our weekly Torah portion will be Pekudei, the last chapter in the book of Exodus, which describes the completion of the Mishkan or Tabernacle. It is a fitting metaphor, because our ancient community brought their own gifts to the artisans who used those materials to implement the vision. In this strategic planning process, our modern community will bring creative ideas and desires, the “gifts” that our committee will use to help frame WJC’s mission for the future. Please join me in recognizing Joanna, Victor and the core team – and wishing them the artistry of our ancestors in their new endeavor.
Thanks for all you do for WJC,
Larry Thaler
Executive Vice President