We are excited to offer registration for WJC 2021-22 Teen Program and hope your teen(s) will join us this year!
This form will allow you to register for our WJC Tuesday Teen program and to indicate interest in other teen programs, including events on Sundays/other days and Teen Council.
The WJC Tuesday evening teen program will engage our students between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm with dinner followed by learning activities, special guests and projects, and teen-led lounge nights; Sunday/other day activities will include a variety of outings, local activities, and volunteer projects.
Please complete this form for each teen in your family. We encourage you to complete this form even if you are unsure of your teen’s participation level.
If cost presents a barrier to your teen’s participation, please reach out (in confidence) to Rabbi Dalton or another clergy member or a member of the Teen Engagement Committee to ensure your teen’s participation. No teen should be left out of any teen program for financial reasons.
For questions, please contact Rabbi Dalton at rabbidalton@wjcenter.org and/or any of the members of the Teen Engagement Committee: Amy Fastenberg at amyfastenberg@gmail.com, Rachel Felenstein at rachrsg@aol.com, and Sherry Thaler at sherry@thethalers.net.