Virtual Yom HaShoah Commemoration

April 11, 2021, 10:00 am

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This year’s Memorial Service, led by Rabbi Arnowitz and  Program Director Mark Russ, will begin at 10:00am and be brought to your live from our WJC Memorial Garden via Zoom  (link below).

Afterwards, our guest speaker, Dr. Mark Siegel, will discuss “Politics in the building of the National Holocaust Museum” from 10:30-11:30am followed by a Q+A session.

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Meeting ID: 894 7979 6724 • Passcode: 10543


Dr. Siegel is the father of WJC congregant Rebecca Siegel, and comes to us in his capacity of having been instrumental in the creation of the National Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. during the Carter Administration. This rare opportunity offers a behind-the-scene look regarding the founding of the museum at a most critical time in American history. As President Carter’s representative, Dr. Siegel also helped negotiate Egyptian President Anwar Sadat’s historical trip to Jerusalem; but it was the sale of F 15 jets to Saudi Arabia that led to his public resignation in protest. Dr. Siegel holds a Ph.D. in political science from Northwestern University. He has devoted his professional life to government, politics and teaching political science. Among other titles, he served as Chief of Staff in the House of Representatives, Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee and Deputy Assistant to President Jimmy Carter. Hence, his past involvement with building a Museum which, in signifying Never Again, brings him to us to commemorate this important day of Holocaust Remembrance. Depending on current health guidelines, we are hoping that our Yom Ha Shoah program be a hybrid event, including our usual brief service held outside the Memorial, where perhaps a limited number of people can attend in person and also hear Dr. Siegel as well as on Zoom.

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