The J.O.Y. Club: WJC And The War on Terror

July 25, 2021, 3:00 pm

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In 1990, Rabbi Kahane was assassinated in NYC by the notorious terrorist El Sayyid Nosair. Nosair was acquitted of the murder on technicalities. Our own WJC member, Roger Stavis, Esq, defended Nosair at his trial. Please join us to listen to Roger tell us about that defense and to answer such questions as ”How can you defend a known terrorist?”

Roger is a partner in the law firm of Mintz and Gold, LLP, where his practice area is Criminal Law. He has written numerous articles and is a George Washington University Law School Trustee Scholar. He has been selected annually as a “Super Lawyer” since 2007.

A pizza party will follow the presentation!

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Meeting ID: 813 5902 6191 • Passcode: 10543


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