ScholarStream Series: Equity, Forgiveness, and Intersectionality

December 9, 2020, 10:00 pm - 11:00 pm

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In this class we will take a look at this historic moment and ask, in the fierce urgency of now, how do we build a multiracial democracy? How
do we repair four centuries of racist exploitation of black people? How do we mitigate a xenophobic immigration policy? How do we not continue to overpolice and underprotect those who have suffered the most from white supremacy, and white racism? In other words, how do we build a more perfect union, a mamlekhet kohanim vegoy kadosh?

Equity, Forgiveness, and Intersectionality: Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen on building a multiracial democracy

This is part four in a four-part series.

Registration must be made in advance. To register, click here. Please use coupon code WjcFall20 to receive free admission. Please note: the coupon code is case sensitive.

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