February 11, 2021 - March 12, 2021, All Day
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Due to the pandemic, while we cannot collect and distribute boxes of food directly to the elders, we once again call on you to help Project Ezra elders celebrate Passover by providing funds for them to purchase traditional Passover foods.
From now until March 12, please send your check, made out ONLY to Project Ezra, to WJC, attention SOJAC, and we will get the checks to Ezra to distribute checks to the elders. As a reminder, the address to WJC is 175 Rockland Ave, Mamaroneck, NY 10543. (If you prefer, Send your check directly to Project Ezra at 387 Grand Street-Ground Floor, New York, NY 10002. Mark the memo: Passover—WJC member.)
Your donation makes the difference for Ezra’s clients to celebrate a traditional Passover in their homes this year.