We are thrilled to announce the opening of registration for the 2019-2020 school year. We are committed to a well-rounded and developmentally appropriate education for all of your children. We are committed to preparing every child for success in kindergarten while valuing these precious early childhood years. The members of our faculty are lifeĀlong learners and are constantly engaged in meaningful professional development.
Our magnificent, spacious facility allows us many opportunities to expand and enrich children’s learning. All of the spaces in our school: the gym, the outdoor play areas, the library, the activity center, and the chapel are fully utilized and offer children a range of learning environments. Parents are always welcome to participate in all of the excitement at our Early Childhood Center. Building relationships with students and parents is at the heart of the WJC Early Childhood Program.
For the 2019-2020 school year, we have made some programmatic changes. Specifically, we have increased the time of the following:
In addition to our regular school day, we offer a variety of extended day options. For the 2019/2020 school year, we have added a new class option on Tuesdays called Holistic Kids. Please see the Extended Day Program Guide enclosed in this packet for a detailed description of all our offerings.
Please review and return the materials listed below so that we can begin to plan accordingly for SeptemberĀ 2019. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me and set up a time to come in and meet.
The application and the tuition schedule outline the choices of programs available. Please note how many days a week you wish your child to come to school (for twos), and how many extended days (for 3s & 4s) you wish to include.
Completed applications will be processed as they come in. We will continue to accept applications subject to availability. Class size is limited so we do ask that you send in the non-refundable deposit of $500, and the completed application as soon as possible. In addition, the payment plan form and post-dated checks must be submitted with the application.
ECC Launches New Handwriting Program
12 Benefits of Early Childhood Education
The Perfect Recipe for a Successful ECC
ECC Director’s Philosophy on Education
5 Fun Facts about ECC Director Ann Pardes