Kabbalat Shabbat Service Live Stream
Friday at 5:45pm
We welcome Shabbat with the psalms, prayers, and songs of the Shabbat Service. Cantor Goldberg is back so we will be using his custom siddur like we did in the spring. Looking forward to seeing you for a spirited welcoming of Shabbat!
Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/681899721
Saturday Morning Service Live Stream
Saturday at 10:00am
Join us for Saturday morning services live streaming from our beautiful Sanctuary. The service will start at 10:00am with the Torah service, so please pray the Shacharit/Morning service on your own prior to that. Siddurim and Chumashim are available for pick up at the upper entrance to the synagogue.
Join us via our new live steaming service: http://www.wjcenter.org/wjclive/
Please note: Please be patient as we work through technical issues to ensure a high-quality stream.
**Before Shabbat on Friday night, go to www.wjcenter.org/wjclive and click play. The stream will be live at that time and become active upon the start of Shabbat services on Saturday morning.
For instructions on how to log in before Shabbat to avoid violations of Shabbat practice, click here. If set up properly, there should be no need to touch your computer on Shabbat itself.
Havdalah with the WJC Clergy
Saturday at 8:40pm
Join us as we say goodbye to the quiet of Shabbat with the beautiful symbols and music of havdalah!
Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/335351155
Torah for Tots
Friday at 4:30pm
Little ones along with their grown-up are invited to join our Torah for Tots leader, Diane Holsten for an age-appropriate pre- Shabbat experience. Together we will sing songs, read a special story, and welcome Shabbat together. Join us: https://zoom.us/j/97987298787
When signing onto Zoom please have your device labeled with our child’s name.
Youth Services
Friday at 4:30pm
Join us for a Zoomy Shabbat experience! We invite WJC kids Pre-B’nei Mitzvah age to join us for our pre-Shabbat service led by our Religious School teacher and Shabbat leader, Julie BenAvram.
A Conversation with David Fair: Reflecting on Race
August 16 at 10:00am
Join Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz and Cantor David Fair for this conversation on race and the Jewish community. Cantor Fair is HUC’s first Black cantorial student, who shares his perspective on current events as a Jew of Color and Jewish and Anti-Racism educator. Join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88926050769
Meet Assistant Rabbi Cornelia Dalton
We are thrilled that Rabbi Cornelia Dalton has begun her position as our new Assistant Rabbi!
Over the coming weeks, we will be offering a number of opportunities on Zoom for various groups within our community to meet with Rabbi Dalton, as well as additional “open” sessions for anyone at WJC to join. You can find details here.