Today is July 27, 2024 /

Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Arnowitz

Dear WJC Family,

This is just a quick note between Tom Tov and Shabbat to wish you a happy day after Passover – enjoy that bread! I also wanted to remind you that our programming calendar gets pretty incredible off for the rest of the month. Please mark the next three weekends on your calendar for:

1) This Sunday our Yom HaShoah Memorial Service and Guest Speaker Brunch with Annette Libeskind Berkovits starting at 10:15am.

2) “On Israel” – One week from Sunday, April 23rd at 10am, we will host guest speaker Allison Kaplan Sommer, journalist and  host of The Promised Podcast and the Haaretz Daily Podcast. You may have noticed things heating up in Israel overthe last several weeks with Jewish protesters in the streets, deadly terrorist attacks, Ramadan tension around the Temple Mount and much more. This talk will give the opportunity to hear a first-hand account and explanation of what is happening and what might come next, as well as the opportunity to ask questions.

3) Then, the weekend after that it’s our Scholar in Residence Weekend featuring Rabbi Ethan Tucker of Hadar. The theme of Rabbi Tucker’s five talks will be “Connection, Community, Conversation: An Exploration of Community and Belonging.” Rabbi Tucker is one of the great minds thinking and speaking about Jewish practice and living in our modern American culture. The organization he helped cofound, Hadar, is one the leading and most cutting edge Jewish educational and worship organizations in AMerica today. Click the link above and sign up for one or more of his talks – please RSVP so we can prepare for the correct number of people!

And those are just the next major big events – keep an eye on the calendar for more coming down the pipe like our Yom Haatzmaut dinner and Israeli dancing, our Night at the Riviera and more. Not to mention our bnai mitzvah calendar heating up again with Zoe Joseph’s bat mitzvah this Shabbat afternoon – mazal trove to Zoe and her dad Naph – and a “Simple and Soul” service in shul Saturday morning!

See you in shul,

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