Today is July 26, 2024 /

Find Your Center

Welcome to Westchester Jewish Center! We hope you will visit our inclusive, egalitarian community.

Our diverse WJC family includes individuals from our youngest religious school students to our longtime members, each with a distinctive story and on their own unique Jewish journey. We celebrate our differences, fostering an environment where we connect through prayer, celebrations, social action projects and educational experiences. We invite you to join our family – to learn, pray, and continue to create community along with us!

High Holidays 5785

We have chosen Tikvah, Hope as the theme for High Holidays 2024/5785, because we have reached yet another time in our people’s history that requires us to imagine a better future and, perhaps even more importantly, to have the courage to bring it about. As we come together this October to reflect on the year that has passed and commit ourselves to a new course for the year to come, we will embrace hope as fully as possible. Reflecting on the past, we will use this sacred time to catalyze our movement to a better future. Gathering as a congregation, we will harness our collective energy to build a better tomorrow, for the Jewish people and for all people.

Learn More:

High Holiday Full Schedule

High Holiday FAQ

Adult Services

Family Services

Youth Programs

Teen Services

Yom Kippur Break Fast



Westchester Stands in Solidarity with Israel

Please tap the button below for a list of Westchester Jewish Council Member Organizations raising funds for Israel as well as a list of resources available for students, parents, and educators about the war in Israel.



WJC Israel Assistance Fund

To help distribute funds more locally, we are going to start accepting donations for a designated fund in the WJC Discretionary Fund—WJC Israel Assistance Fund. To donate, simply contribute to the WJC Discretionary Fund and put WJC Israel Assistance Fund or IAF in the memo line. To learn more about the Israel Assistance Fund, please check out Rabbi Arnowitz’s letter last Shabbat.


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Westchester Jewish Center welcomes your contribution to any of our listed funds.

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